Perspectives in Drug Chemistry and Plasma Chemistry

Perspectives in the drug chemistry and the plasma chemistry journal is an open-access journal. Our journal invites and encourages hand-written and online manuscripts from eminent scholars of diversified backgrounds. Ours is a global platform that encourages highly talented professionals, researchers, eminent scholars, and enthusiasts mainly students.

Our journal publishes work related to drug chemistry and its perspectives, the impact of the drugs and its functioning on our body, the problem faced upon the usage of illegal drugs. Our journal maintains the rich standards of publication and our work is peer-reviewed by a professional team. Our journal invites and encourages manuscripts either online or handwritten, original papers, peer-reviewed articles, manuscripts, posters, poster presentations, technical reports, short communications, etc from the budding researchers and scholars who wish to develop a new insight in the field of drug chemistry.

In recent times, preference is being given to drug chemistry and its perspectives as it is mostly implied in the pharmaceutical background and the healthcare sector. The drug chemistry also provides detailed knowledge of the drug design and its efficiency. Also one can gain vast knowledge and its usage in the field of plasma chemistry or medicinal chemistry.

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