For Editors
An Editor is the one who creates the masterpiece of work & strives for excellence. An editor is a professional and talented team who play a major role in the peer review process unlike authors.
The editorial team includes the highly professional editors, the editorial managers and the editorial board members who are well efficient in the diversified fields. The manuscript's work would be reviewed by the editorial panel members.
An editorial content can be chosen by the editor along with the themes related to the journal
Peer review process
The editorial team would receive an invitation for conducting the peer review process. An expertise editor will be highly recommended for the peer review work. The manuscripts selected will be forwarded to the editors for evaluation.
Editors' work in the peer review process mainly focus on whether to accept or reject the manuscript. While few editors rely on the expertise advice for the peer review process.
The data which is under the peer review process should be maintained in confidentiality by the editorial chief. The editor in chief must be able to detect the plagiarism in the submitted manuscripts.
Below are few roles & responsibilities of an editor in chief & editorial board members
Editorial in chief & editorial board members must maintain the work confidentiality
They must ensure the rapid peer review process
Editorial members must treat all authors without any discrimination
A system must be incorporated where the manuscripts are delivered in a timely manner
The members must clearly communicate regarding the standard policies
A clear statement of the journal policies must be provided to the author
Editorial board members must provide the guidelines to the author for the submission of the manuscript
The editor in chief assists the additional staff regarding the queries of the publication process. The editor in chief communicates the guidelines and the policies for the journal. The editor in chief analyze, review & work on the complaints that are involved in the process of the publication