Journal Of Theoretical And Computational Physics

ISSN: 2832-2746

Volume No: 1 Issue No: 1


This report uses  only two Axioms and six Laws  from the  theory of new Axioms and Laws This theory consists of two new Axioms and eight new Laws  which have been proposed and developed in previous reports by the same author. According to the first axiom (Axiom1), we can replace uniform motion  in a closed circle with non-uniform motion in an open vortex. According to the second axiom (Axiom2), there are pairs of vortices that are mutually orthogonal or  they  work in a system by a special type of resonance [3].

Of all possible  variants of vortex pairs, the most probable is the following  pair : accelerating vortex from the center outwards connected with a delayed vortex from the periphery inwards. This case is a model of the connected proton-electron pair. The properties of a system  only of linked electrons and protons are also studied. It is known that the Electromagnetic Field propagates at a constant speed and when it  pulsates  the waves are only transverse. According to  the new Axioms and Laws in the electron-proton system, the internal connections are of variable speed and when pulsating, the waves are not only transverse but longitudinal. The interaction between the proton and the electron is not Electromagnetic but  it is   a gravity interaction. The interaction between the proton and electron   includes cross vortex with variable velocity and longitudinal vortex ( and funnels ) with variable velocity .From previous developments it is clear that the electron is not a centric  open vortex but an eccentric  open vortex centered in the second quadrant and the proton is not a centric open  vortex but an eccentric  open vortex centered in the first quadrant. This is the reason for the formation of eccentricity vectors that decompose along the x and y axes[4].

Because  the size of an electron is more than the size of a proton, the eccentricity of the electron is greater than the eccentricity of the proton .  Therefore the components  of  eccentric vector of electron  are longer than  these  of proton. Thus  the  component of electron  along the y axis  rotates the electron around the proton. And besides, since the decelerating  vortex of the electron emits elementary decelerating vortices (Law 5) outward  which are bent in the direction of the decelerating velocity, the electron will rotate parasitically and slowly to left  around its own axis. Since the accelerating  vortex of the proton  sucks the  elementary  vortices (Law 6) inward  which are bent in the direction of the accelerating velocity, the proton  will rotate parasitically and slowly to right around its own axis. The electron and proton are gravitationally repelled by  means of the transverse component and are attracted gravitationally by means of the longitudinal component . Both of them  are and  with variable speed. The existence of feedback between the electron and the proton ( Law 7 and Law 8 )  explain the reason for the presence of free elementary cross vortices and they  are  called “free energy”.  And because they  are invisible are known as  “black matter” as well[4,5.6].

1. Review

Eccentricity of  electron:

According the Maxwel,s  Axiom and equations from the Classic Field Theory all field structures are built  from closed transverse vortices with constant velocity of movement [1,2].

The structure of an electron is well known from previous reports of the same this  author. According to the new Axiom1 is obtained that the structure of an electron is an open vortex  and  the electron is not concentric but it is eccentric vortex . According to the consequence of Law1 is obtained that the structure of an electron is an decelerating vortex directed from outside to inside as it was described in detail this process [3,4,5].

Axiom 1. The motion of a vector with monotone-decreasing or monotone-increasing velocity   becomes an open vortex : div (VotE) ≠ 0  for vector E in 2D or    div (VotH) ≠ 0 for vector H in 3D . 1.

Therefore: div (rot E) ≠ 0, or div (Vor E) ≠ 0, where the motion of the vectors E in 2D, or H in 3D with monotonically- accelerated or monotonically - decelerated motion occurs in the form of an open vortex (Vor),in which: div (Vor E)> 0, div(Vor E) <0 in 2D, div ( Vor H)> 0, div (Vor H) <0 in 3D

Law 1 : The open cross vortex (E2D)  generates  (inward or outward) an open longitudinal vortex (Н3D) (inward or outward)  in its center through a cross-longitudinal transformation Δ1: Δ1

          Vor (E2D)  => -- Vor (Н3D),                                         2.

where Vor (for Vortex, meaning an unevenly vortex) replaces rot (for rotor, meaning opened closed loop) ;the cross vortex in 2D (E2D) (Figure1c) continues its development in 3D as a longitudinal vortex (Н3D) (Figure1d).

Consequence : The open  decelerating cross vortex (E2D-) generates inward an open accelerating longitudinal vortex (Н3D +)  outward (Figure2c)  . This action takes place from the center of decelerating cross vortex (E2D-)  through a particular cross-longitudinal transformation Δ1-  :                        Δ1-

                  Vor (E2D-) => Vor (H3D+ ) .                                           3.

Because of that  the velocity vector (V) decreases continuously when it moves from the outside to  inwards , the whole spiral shifts toward the second (II) quadrant. The center of classic centric spiral was in  the geometric center (p.O). But  the new center of the  decelerating eccentric  spiral (p.F1) shifts to up and left or to the second (II) quadrant. That is way the distance between the  classic geometric center (p.O) and the new center of gravity (p.F1) forms a vector of eccentricity or Vector of Gravity (F1g) ( Figure 1a).

Result : The mechanism of action of the delta1 operator (Δ1 ) contains all variations of full resonance.

Definition: Full resonance is resonance in amplitude, frequency and phase, i.e. resonance in space and time .It will be described in detail in the following articles.

The Vector of Gravity (F 1g) exists as the inner force that attracts and tightens the coils of the vortex toward an inner point (p.F1) that does not coincide with the geometric center (p.O). Because of that the Vector of Gravity is F1g. , it is decomposed to x-axis and to y-axis. The composite vector on the x-axis is a vector F1. In a previous report the role of this vector (F1) was described in detail. In this report it will describe the composite vector on the y-axis  which is a vector  G1 ( Figure1a,c).

Eccentricity of proton:

According to the Axiom2 the proton should be orthogonal to the electron   particle because both of them form a complementary pair (Figure 2)[3].

Axiom 2 . Two vortices of one complementary pair in mode of    resonance to one  direction in 2D:  E =+A+iV;  E=+V+iA or two vortices of complementary pair  in mode of resonance to opposite direction in 2D:                              E = -A - iV;        E = -V – iA,  exist   simultaneously   in 3D .

 In  right direction : E =+A+iV;  E=+V+iA,                                                4a.

In  left direction : E = -A - iV;  E = -V – iA.                                                4b.

Definition:  A pair of objects  which work such as  they complement  each other in resonance and  they are mutually orthogonal is called a pair of complementary objects.

According to Axiom 2 if one object pushes (p+)( E =+A+iV)  (Figure 3a)  then the  other  have to pulls (e-)( E=+V+iA )  (Figure 3a).   Therefore the both of them are active generators   or they form a pair of  active  generators in complementary  resonance work.

Result : The first pair is in right direction: amplitude (A) can be the  reason but the velocity (V) is the result (E = +A + iV) (Figure 3b) (model of proton).  At the same time  the velocity (V) can be the reason and the amplitude (A) - the result (E =+ V + iA)    (model of electron) (Figure 3a) .

According to the consequence of Law2  the proton’s structure should be  an accelerating  vortex from inside to outside (Figure 2a).

Law 2: The open longitudinal vortex (H3D) generates (inward or outward)  an open cross vortex (E2D)  (inward or outward)   in its center through a longitudinal-cross transformation Δ2:


                      Vor (H3D) => -- Vor (E2D)                                             5.

Consequence : The open decelerating longitudinal vortex (H3D-) inward   generates  an open accelerating cross vortex (E2D+) outward through longitudinal-cross transformation Δ2-:                              


                 Vor (H3D-) => Vor (E2D+).                                              6.

Because of that  the velocity vector (V) increases  continuously when complex  vector (E) moves from the inside outwards (E=A+i.V  ), the whole  accelerating spiral shifts toward the first (I) quadrant. The center of classic spiral was in  the geometric center (p.O).But  the new center of the  accelerating spiral (p.F) shifts to up and right or to the first (I) quadrant. That is way the distance between the  classic geometric center (p.O) and the new center of gravity (p.F2) forms a vector of eccentricity or Vector of Gravity (F2g)    ( Figure 2a).

Result : The mechanism of action of the delta2 operator (Δ2 ) contains all variations of  so called “Back wave ”.It will be described in detail in the following articles.

This Vector  of Gravity (F 2g)  exists such as  the inner force that  inflate and expand  .It works  such as  a mixer the  windings of the  accelerating vortex. Therefore  the new center moves  toward an inner point (p.F2) that does not coincide with the geometric center (p.O) (Figure 2a).Thus the Vector of Gravity is F1g. It is decomposed to x-axis and to y-axis. The composite vector on the x-axis is a vector F2. In previous report the role of this vector (F2) was described in detail. In this report it will be describe the composite vector on the y- axis    which is a vector  G2  (Figure 2a).

The reason for   eccentricity of electron:

According to the Law1 electron consists of decelerating cross vortex rolled from outside to in.

There is new Law (Law5) which describes that decelerating vortex emits decelerating elementary vortices to the environment.

Law 5: The velocity (V) of a decelerating  longitudinal  vortex  in 2D decreases in (n) portions (1/ ψ)n times, while the amplitude (W) of cross vortices increases reciprocally in (n) portions (ψ)n times:

                                    I V2 = V0 (V0-V),                                                      7a.

                                    I W2 = W0(W0+W),                                                  7b.

where vn and wn are periodic roots with period n that fulfill the requirement for orthogonality: vn.wn = V0.W0 ; n = 0 ÷ ∞; the roots vn and ωn  are expressed as: vn= ψn.V0, wn=(1/ψ)n.W0; V0 is the starting value of Vn ;W0 is the starting value of wn  and ψ is a proportion  which fulfills the requirement: ψ-1/ ψ =1 and it is called golden proportion.

Result: Decelerating vortex of electron emits elementary cross vortices  from periphery to center  inward (and from periphery to environment  outward as well )  because of sign (+) in second equation (7b).

Result:  The elementary cross vortices   which are emitted from periphery to the center are phased at the Gravitational center (p.F1) in the second quadrant (II) (Figure 2c,Figure 4a).

Consequence: According to the Consequence of Law1 (3) as a result of the phasing in the Gravitational center (p.F1) a vertical acceleration vortex  is generated (Figure 2c). Therefore decelerating cross vortex continues in  accelerating longitudinal  vortex ,perpendicular to the plane of the transverse vortex (Figure 2c). This process of  transformation is described by the operator Δ1 of  Law1(4).

Consequence: The process of  transformation which  is described by the operator Δ1 of  Law1 (3) is realized through so-called full resonance .It is resonance of amplitude ,frequency and phase or of space and time.

The reason of eccentricity of proton:

According to the Law2 proton consists of accelerating cross vortex rolled from inside to out.

There is new Law (Law6) which describe that accelerating vortex sucks accelerating elementary vortices from environment[3,4,5].

Law 6: The velocity (V) of an accelerating longitudinal  vortex in 2D increases in (n) portions (ψ)n times ,while the amplitude (W) of cross vortices decreases reciprocally in (n) portions (1/ ψ)n times;

                                   I V2 = V0 (V0+ V),                                                           8a.

                                   I W2 = W0(W0 – W),                                                       8b.

where vn and wn are periodic roots with period n that fulfill the requirement for orthogonality: vn.wn = V0.W0; n = 0 ÷ ∞; the roots vn and ωn are expressed as: vn= ψn.V0, wn=(1/ψ)n.W0; V0 is the starting value of Vn, W0 is the starting value of wn and ψ is a number which fulfills the requirement: ψ-1/ ψ =1, ψ  and it is called golden proportion.

Result:  Accelerating vortex of proton  sucks elementary cross vortices because of sign (-) in second equation (8b).

Result: According the Law2 (6) vertical decelerating vortex   generates  accelerating cross vortex from Gravitational center (p.F2) to periphery  ( Figure4b). Therefore decelerating longitudinal  vortex, which is perpendicular to the plane of the transverse vortex , continues into  accelerating cross vortex( Figure4b) . This process of  transformation  is described by the operator Δ2 of  Law2 (6).

Consequence: The process of  transformation which  is described by the operator Δ2 of  Law2 (6) is realized through so called back wave .It  will describe further.

2. System of electron and proton

The difference between  of electron and proton in regard to complementarity :

System is formed through cross vortices  in  plane 2D (Law7) and  longitudinal vortices  in volume 3D( Law8).

Law 7: A pair of open cross objects in 2D forms a closed loop in 2D by feedback in 2D of primary cross vortices.

The Law7 describes a closed loop in  plane 2D of pair proton-electrons .This pair conducts energy through the real connection (crosslink1) and conducts matter through a feedback (feedback1) in 2D (Figure 3).

Consequence: The reason for the emission of primary elementary cross vortices is the deceleration (dec.) of the main longitudinal vortex of electron (e-) (Figure 3a).

Their movement toward the space between the two vortex  objects in 2D is due to the sucking action of the accelerating (acc.)  of the  main longitudinal vortex of proton vortex(p+) .This is done through feedback (feedback1)  (Figure 3a-Figure 3b).

Law 8: A pair of open complex objects in 3D forms a closed loop in 3D by feedback in 3D of primary longitudinal vortices.

The Law8  describes a closed loop in  volume 3D of pair proton-electrons (feedback2 ). This pair conducts energy through the real connection (longitudinal link2)  and conducts matter through a feedback (feedback2),(Figure 3).

Result: The pair proton-electron in 2D conducts energy from proton to electron (crosslink1)

Result: The pair proton-electron in 2D conducts matter from electron to proton in the form of primary elementary  cross  vortices( feedback1).

Result: The primary elementary cross vortices represent in 2D so called  transverse” dark matter  “(feedback1).

But there is the difference kind “dark” cross vortices .Therefore there is longitudinal kind of  “ dark” vortices

Result: These primary elementary  longitudinal vortices  represent in 3D so  called longitudinal “ dark matter “(feedback2, longitudinal link2).

Result: The pair proton-electron in 3D conducts energy from  proton  to electron ( longitudinal link2)

Result: The pair proton-electron in 3D conducts matter from electron to proton (feedback2).

The chain in 3D composed only from longitudinal vortices is the most mystical, completely invisible   and completely unexplored (feedback2, longitudinal link2).

Consequence: The chain in 2D (crosslink1,feedback1) of Law7 and the chain in 3D (longitudinal linlk2,feedback2) of Law 8, are mutual perpendicular (Figure 3a,b).

3. Gravity Forces between electron and proton

According to the Axiom1 and  Axiom2 the relationships between electron and proton are measured by the distance (D) between them and by the repulsive force (Frepuls ).between them (Figure 3 a,b).

Result: In the first pair of complementary objects  electron-proton which are linked in the frame of atom, the  distance (D) between objects is equal to summation of  modules of their forces (F1 ,F2 ) along x-axes : 

                                   D   =   IF 1 I  +   IF 2 I   .                              9.

Result: The Force of repulsion (Frepuls. ) between electron and proton is equal  to the summation of  modules of their forces (F1 ,F2 ) along x-axes :

                                      Frepuls.   =   I F1 I+ IF2 I.                                    10.

According to Law1 and Law2 we can  realize the differences between Force of repulsion  (Frepuls ). and the Force of attraction (Fattract.). among  the electron and  the proton.

Consequence: The electron repulses the proton  through  cross waves ( cross link 1) or by collision  of the transverse windings or  the cross coils . (Figure 4a,b ).

Consequence: The proton  attracts electrons through longitudinal vortices ( longitudinal link 2) or by   tightening of longitudinal threads of perpendicular coils. (Figure 4ab).

4. Score of electron-proton system

The shape:

The shape of the electron looks like a thin ring or narrow toroid. The reason is the decelerating vortex from  out   to in. The shape of the proton  looks  like a dense little  ball. The reason is  the accelerating vortex from in to out[4].

The mass of electron and proton:

The mass of an electron is much less (as an empty ring , Figure 6a) than the mass  of a proton (as a dense ball , Figure 6b). The current measurement method shows that: me (electron)= 9,11x10−31 kg ; mp( proton )=1,6726231x10–27 kg.  Or: mP+= 1836 .me-  

Result : So the mass of a little ball of proton is much more (1836 times) than the mass of empty toroid of electrons.

Remark: It should be emphasized that this mass ( me- ) is the mass of the outer free electron which is outside the atom and is not bound to any proton. This free electron represents an inflated and empty toroid.

As a comparison, the inner electron that is inside the atom and is connected to its corresponding proton has the mass (not marked) of a small and dense sphere. This connected electron is a small and dense sphere.

Consequence: The mass of free electron (mefree) is less than the mass of  electron connected (meconn  ) inside the atom:

                      mefree  >me conn                                                                   11.

Consequence: Therefore, the mass of the free outer electron is assumed to be greater than the mass of the bound inner electron(Figure 4c,d)[5].      

The eccentricity:

The eccentricity of the electron depends on the fact that the transverse vortex from the outside to the inside is delayed. The decelerating vortex emits transverse vortices from the periphery inwards, which are phased at one point according to Law 5. This is the reason why the electron acquires the shape of a  empty toroid ( Figure4a).

This toroid is inflated and flattened along the x-axis when the electron is free and outside the atom (Figure4c).This toroid is small and drawn along the y-axis when the electron is inside the atom (Figure4d).

The eccentricity of the proton depends on the fact that the transverse vortex from the center to the inside is accelerated. The accelerating vortex sucks transverse vortices  according to Law 6. This is the reason why the proton  acquires the shape of a dense ball ( Figure4b).

Consequence: The  eccentricity of the electron (F1g) (in form of empty ring)  is much more than eccentricity of proton (F2g) (in form of dense ball),(Figure 3a,b) [6]:

                    F 1g  > F 2g.                                                                                12a.

Consequence: The projection to the x-axis (F 1) of the electron's Vector of Gravity (F 1g) is greater than  the projection(F2) to the x-axis of the proton's Vector of Gravity (F 2g) ,  (Figure 3a,b):

                    F 1 >  F 2.                                                                                     12b.

The  Distance:

Consequence: The Distance between electron and proton is following (Figure3a,b): 

                       D= I F1 I +  I F2 I  .                                                                 13.

The Force of Repulsing(Figure 3a,b):

The proton repulses your personal electron. This is done through  ( cross link1)  . According to this link  it is realized that the proton  repulses your personal electron with force Frepuls.[7].

Consequence: The proton  repulse your personal electron with force Frepuls :

                 Frepuls. =   I F1 I+ IF2 I.                                                                   14.

The  Force of Attraction (Figure 3a,b):

The longitudinal vortices (longitudinal link2, feedback2) is not an Electromagnetic connection. It is well known that Electromagnetic waves propagate transversely and at a constant speed. And the longitudinal vortices  (longitudinal link2, feedback2)  propagate longitudinally at the variable acceleration-deceleration speed. This elastic links ((longitudinal link2, feedback2) of longitudinal vortex with variable velocity is the same example for Gravity  Force in the longitudinal direction  .The longitudinal vortex  from the  proton that passes through center of electron  attracts   the electron to the proton. This  elastic  link (longitudinal link2, feedback2)  of longitudinal vortex with variable velocity is the other  example for Gravity  Force  in perpendicular direction [8]. A formula for the magnitude of this elastic repulsive force cannot be written on this stage.

Electron and proton temperature (Figure1b),(Figure2b):

We saw that the electron consists of a decelerating  vortex with a direction from outside to inside . The decelerating vortex emits elementary decelerating  vortices (Law5) , which raise the temperature inside in the empty space of the electron toroid  [9].

Consequence: Inside the electron, the temperature rises or the electron is hot inside.

We saw that the proton consists of an accelerating vortex with a direction from inside to outside. Due to the  positive acceleration this vortex sucks elementary accelerating vortices(Law6), which reduce and lower the temperature inside the ball of proton[10]. Consequence: Inside the ball of the proton  the temperature decreases or the proton is cold inside.

Visible ,  invisible:

It is well known that Sunlight is transverse waves propagating at a constant speed. When these transverse waves cross the thread of the longitudinal vortex, they are not reflected but surround the thread. The reason for this action is the fact that the thread diameter of the longitudinal vortex is commensurate  with the wavelength of sunlight. The phenomenon described is known as diffraction [11].

Result: The longitudinal vortices  are invisible to an outside observer because they do not reflect sunlight but scatter or diffract it.

For comparison ,if  Sunlight transverse waves cross an  object consisting of a transverse vortex, they are reflected by it  .Therefore  any  outer observer will see this transverse object.

Result: The cross vortices inside the particle's objects  (electron and proton) are  visible to an outside observer because they  reflect sunlight but not  scatter or diffract it. An outside observer can see only cross vortex objects. Some of  the cross vortex objects are  the elementary particles.

Result: The cross vortex connection (cross link1)  between the proton and the electron is invisible and the cross vortex connection of free vortices ( feedback1 ) between electron and proton   is invisible  as well . The reason is that the free cross vortices are commensurate to the size of light wave (Figure 3a,b).

Result: The longitudinal vortex connection (feedback2 )between the  electron and the proton  is invisible and the longitudinal vortex connection of free vortices (longitudinal link2) between  the  proton  and the electron  is invisible  as well (Figure 3a,b).

Consequence: Therefore, the proton and the electron are visible ,but the links between them are invisible   (Figure 3a,b).

Pulsating mode:

In pulsating mode is the pulsating of particles in Time and in Space. More specifically for the transverse vortex of the electron there are two phases.

- In the first  phase the electron is a free electron and it floats outside the atom. It is swollen, flattened to the x-axis and empty and clearly visible.

Consequence: In the first phase the electron becomes swollen and bloated, massive and clearly visible.

The reason for this phenomena  is that  the   proton   throws  more energy through cross link1  to the corresponding electron .Therefore the electron rejects to more distance (D) and  bloats along x axes  . At the same time, according to the sing minus (-) in Law1(2) , the longitudinal vortex shrinks perpendicular(along the y axes ) to the plane of the electron. Thus  electron becomes bloated along x axes and flattened along y axes (Figure 4c).Therefore in the first  phase of pulsating mode  the electron  can be clearly visible .

It can break off in a transverse connection ( cross link1, Figure 3a,b)  and it can  fly out of the atom or  to become a  ” free” electron. The electron is located at a long distance to the its own proton , at  any place in space  .This electron  is controlled exclusively by the chain of the longitudinal component   ( longitudinal link 2, Figure 3a,b)  in any point in the space. Therefore in  first  phase the electron can be an  free electron . It is  very curious that  it breaks the transverse link , but it  holds the longitudinal link with its personal proton. This proton  continues to control this free electron.

Result: In the first phase the electron can become a free electron because of that  it break off the transverse link toward the proton. This free electron  holds the longitudinal link with its personal proton that controls this free electron.

Result: The free electron pulsates and floats  almost  independence with its proton-master.

In the second phase the electron is a connected electron and it rotates  inside the atom. It has  shrunk  and little. It is pulled along the y-axis  and it becomes almost  invisible.

Consequence: In the second phase the electron shrinks along x axes and stretches along yaxes.

The reason for this phenomena is that the proton sucks energy through cross link1 (Figure 3a,b). At the same time the proton through feedback 2 pumps a longitudinal vortex to the electron along y axes. Therefore, the electron in the second phase becomes contracted in a cross vortex  (x axes) and very stretched in a longitudinal vortex (y axes). But  this very contracted cross vortex is  almost invisible and longitudinal vortex is completely invisible.

Result: In the second phase of pulsating mode the connected electron becomes invisible.

It is located as close as possible to the proton and it is controlled exclusively by the chain of the longitudinal component ( longitudinal link 2) ( Figure 3a,b).Therefore, this nearby electron moves absolutely synchronously with its proton- master.

Result: The connected electron-slave pulsates and moves absolutely synchronously with its proton- master.

The relationships between proton and connected electron are such as between master and slave. For comparison the free electron pulsates and floats independently with its proton. 

Consequence: The relationships between proton and connected electron are such as between master and slave.

5. Rotation of electron around its proton

The reasons of rotation

According to descriptions in previous points [10,11]:

The mass: The mass of a proton is almost 2000 times more than the mass of an electron (7).

The shape of proton: The proton consists of numerous coils of a slow accelerating vortex , very tightly coiled from the inside to out. This is the reason the proton looks like a very dense but slightly eccentric ball. The eccentricity is small  because there is simply no free space inside the ball. The eccentricity of protons (F 2g ) is less  than the eccentricity of electrons (F 1g )(12a) (Figure 3a,b,Figure 4a,b). 

The shape of electron: The electron  consists of several pieces of  coils of a  fast decelerating vortex coiled from the outside  to  inside. This is the reason  the electron  looks like a very empty and eccentric toroid . The eccentricity is significant  because there is simply  much  free space inside the toroid where to shift the coils. The eccentricity  of electron  (F  1g)  is more than the  eccentricity of proton    (F2  g) (12a) (Figure 3a,b,Figure4a,b)

The difference in Rotating Force between proton and electron: Because of that eccentricity of electron (F1g )is bigger than the eccentricity of proton (F2g ) :

 F1g> F  2g(12a)  ,then   F 1 >  F 2 (12b) .Therefore from 12a,b  follows that  the Rotating Force of electron R1 is bigger than Rotating Force of the proton   R2 ( Figure 3a,b)  :

               R 1 >  R2     .                                                                            11a.
This (11) means that the electron will rotate around its own proton.

Result: One of the reasons  the electron with Rotating Force R 1  to  rotate around the proton  that has the Rotating Force R2  is that  R 1 >  R2

In the same time this (11) means that the vector R1 of an electron in periphery of the atom  is more than  R2  of an electron in center of  the atom . Because of that the Rotating Force  R1 of an electron  in the periphery of the atom  is more than the Rotating Force  R2  of an electron in the center of  the atom  , every electron in the periphery will rotate around an inner electron.

Result: Every electron in periphery with Rotating Force  R1 will rotate around an inner electron with Rotating Force  R   because of the same reason  : R 1 >  R2 .

In order to rotates the periphery electron around the inner electron it is necessary for the velocity along its orbit  of periphery electron  to be bigger than the velocity of inner electron.

Result:  The velocity Vper along the  orbit  of  periphery electron   is bigger than the velocity  V inner of inner electron.

              Vper >   V inner                                                                                                                              11b.

If we summarize what is described we will get the following. The light and empty  and very eccentric  toroid of the electron will rotate around  the heavy and dense  but slightly eccentric proton ball because   the vector R 1 in periphery is  much more than the vector  R 2 in center of  circle (11a) .The  empty and very eccentric electron will begin to rotate  around  dense and  slightly eccentric proton(Figure 3a,b)

Conclusions:  The difference in eccentricity ( mass and shape ) is the reason for rotating of electron around the proton and for rotating the periphery electron around the inner electron (11a,b),(12a,b).

6. Rotation of electron around its own axis

The reasons of rotation

According  to the  Law5 decelerating vortex  which winds   electron  decreases in velocity because of sign minus(-) in equation (7a). At the same time decelerating vortex emits decelerating elementary  vortices in increasing amplitude  because of sign   plus (+) in(7b) [7,8]. These decelerating elementary vortices are directed from periphery of electron to the center where they are phased in Gravity center F1  and they are bent to left  ( Figure 1b ).

Result : The main vortex of the electron rotates to the left from outside to inside.

Result: The decelerating elementary vortices in increasing amplitude of the electron are bent, curved and convex in the direction of motion of the main vortex of the electron.

Conclusion: The whole wheel of the electron rotates to the left.

Remark : Left direction in 2D is  when the  an independent observer looks against the longitudinal vortex in 3D.

The speed of rotation of the electron around its center of Gravity(F1)depends on the magnitude of the negative acceleration of the main  decelerating flux that builds the body of the electron. The greater the negative acceleration, the greater the number of emitted secondary decelerating  vortices bent to the left, and the greater is  the negative acceleration and amplitude of these secondary vortices(7a,b). This is the reason the  electron to rotates   around its own Gravity center (F1) with reduced speed.

Result:  The electron will rotate around its own Gravity center (F1) with reduced speed(ω) .

According to the pulsating Mode when the electron is found in first  pulsating Mode it is  inflated and empty and it is located at the  farthest  orbits. Therefore  the amplitude of elementary cross vortices increase  and their negative  acceleration also increase, which causes the wheel arm to rotate at a faster speed [5].

Result: The electron in first Pulsating Mode (outside the atom) which is inflated and empty rotates faster  (ω is bigger) (Figure 4c).

In second Pulsating Mode(inside the atom)  the electron  is contracted and   tight   and it is  located at the closest orbits . Therefore   the amplitude of the inside cross vortices decrease   and their  acceleration also decrease, which causes the wheel arm to rotate at a slower speed. The speed of rotation limited to the speed of rotation of  its own proton  ( its own master)[6].

Result: The electron in second Pulsating Mode which is contracted and  tight , rotates  relatively slower (ω is less) ( (Figure 4d).

Conclusion: The free electron and electron in periphery rotates faster( ωfree  ) than  the connected  electron and electron in inner orbit  (ωconn ):

                         ωfree conn                                                                                        12.

Therefore the speed of rotation  of the electron  around its proton   depends on the distance (D) between them  (Figure3a,b).

Conclusion: The speed of rotation  of the electron-slave around its proton –master  depends on its  distance (D) to this own proton in the nucleus of the atom.

7. Conclusions

The reason the electron to  rotate around its proton inside the nucleus is that the electron has greater eccentricity  , a longer eccentricity vector(F1) and correspondingly a larger rotation vector  (R1 )as a projection of the eccentricity vector on the y-axis. The reason the electron to rotate around (Figure 3a,b). The reason the electron rotates around its axis is the direction of bending to the left, the number, magnitude of acceleration and the amplitude of the secondary delayed transverse vortices that fill the empty space inside its toroid (Figure 1a,b).

There is difference between forces outside and inside the atom. The Force of Repulsion ( cross link1 ) from the cross vortex  is not Electromagnetic Force .It is other kind  cross  accelerating-decelerating force or it is a  cross Gravity  Force inside the atom. The Force of Attraction (  feedback2) from the longitudinal  vortex is not an Electromagnetic Force as well  .It is the  longitudinal  force of other kind or it is  a longitudinal Gravity Force inside the atom  (Low1,Low2)(Figure 3a,b).

Usually until now the elementary particles (electron and proton)   are observed and measured as free  particles  in an Electromagnetic  Field  outside the atom .Because of that they are located outside the atom they  emit Electromagnetic  waves (Figure 3a,b). But when the particles are observed and measured   inside the atom the observer will register  that  they emit and receive the Gravity waves.  Consequently, the forces that structure the atom from within are Gravitational forces but not Electromagnetic forces (Low5,Low6) (Figure 4a,b).

As usual the masses of the free electron and the free proton are measured outside the atom in the middle of an Electric Field. But according the new laws the masses of the electrons connected inside the atom are less than the masses  of the free electrons outside the atom (Figure 4c,d).The inner electrons are connected mainly by a transverse component and move synchronously with their protons. The outer and free electrons are connected mainly by a longitudinal component and move  more emancipated  of their protons. The  orbital velocity of periphery electron is less than the orbital velocity of inner electron  but  the  axle velocity  of periphery electron is bigger  than the axe velocity of inner electron  (Figure 3a,b).

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