Journal Of Theoretical And Computational Physics

ISSN: 2832-2746

Volume No: 1 Issue No: 1


Twenty-first century Physics is undergoing a major "Paradigmatic-Shift from the Old  "Material-Causal" Paradigm of Relativity Theory (RT) and Quantum Mechanics (QM) to the New "G-d's Physics" (Computational Unified Field Theory", CUFT) Paradigm, based on "G-d's Physics" New Paradigm's capacity to resolve basic "theoretical-inconsistencies" and offer an alternative explanation for the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm's unexplained accelerated expansion of the universe's assumed purely hypothetical "Dark-Matter"/"Dark-Energy" (DM/DE) concepts (assumed to comprise up to 95% of all the mass and energy in the universe – but failed to be detected even after tow decades of intensive experimentation?!) In this article a direct negation of the principle existence of DM/DE purely hypothetical concepts is proven based on "G-d's Physics" "Computational Duality Principle" (CDP) coupled with empirical validation of two of "G-d's Physics" unique "Critical-Predictions" including: the "Proton-Radius Puzzle" associated findings and the "Universe's Non-continuous Expansion Accelerated Rate" (UNCEAR) associated with the "Cosmological-Astronomical Accelerated Expansion Gap" (CAAEG)! "G-d's Physics" newly discovered Theoretical Postulates are outlined pointing at the continuous creation- "dissolution"- re-creation- and evolution- of the entire physical universe (and every constituting exhaustive spatial pixel comprising it) by a singular higher-ordered "Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle" (UCP), e.g., at the incredible rate of "c2/h" = 1.36-50 sec'; Indeed, this New "G-d's Physics" "A-Causal Computation" Paradigm points at this singular UCP complete integration of "space", "energy", "mass" and "time" within a newly discovered "Ten Hierarchical Computational Dimensions – Universal Computational Formula" which continuously computes, "dissolves" and evolves the entire physical universe towards it "Ultimate Geulah-Goal" of bringing the universe to its "Perfected Moral, Spiritual and Physical State" in which the "Oneness", "Morality", and "All-Goodness" of this singular UCP will be recognized by Humanity and Science!

1. Introduction

Twenty-First Theoretical Physics is undergoing a profound "Paradigmatic-Shift" from the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm of 20th century's Relativity Theory (RT) and Quantum Mechanics (QM) to the New "A-Causal Computation" (ACC) of "G-d's Physics" (e.g., previously termed: the "Computational Unified Field Theory", CUFT)! This Paradigmatic-Shift ensues from the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm's "Paradigmatic-Crisis", as defined by the famous Philosopher of Science, Thomas Kuhn (1962) as indicated by the existence of two primary difficulties: a) the existence of apparent "theoretical inconsistencies" between the two "pillars" of the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm of RT & QM: perhaps the most glaring example of this principle "theoretical-inconsistency between RT & QM is the apparent contradiction between RT's strict "Speed of Light Barrier" (SLB) constricting the transmission of any light-signal (or information) across Space-Time, and QM's empirically verified phenomenon of "Quantum-Entanglement", indicating that two "entangled-particles" separated by a distance greater than can be traversed by the SLB seemed to "affect" each other "instantaneously" (i.e., wherein a measurement of one of these "entangled-particles" instantaneously determines the complimentary 'space/energy' or 'mass/time' physical features of the other "entangled particle", thereby seeming to contradict RT's SLB?! b) the inability of the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm to account for a key empirical physical phenomenon, e.g., the accelerated expansion of the physical universe – assumed to be accounted for by purely hypothetical "dark-matter" and "dark-energy" concepts, but which could not be directly detected (after two decades of intensive experimentation!) According to Kuhn's analysis such a "Paradigmatic-Crisis" of the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm inevitably must lead to the search for an alternative (satisfactory) "New Paradigm" which can resolve these apparent RT-QM "theoretical inconsistencies", as well as the "unexplained" accelerated expansion of the physical universe; In addition, Kuhn's analysis points at the need of any such "New Paradigm" to identify at least one "Critical-Prediction" which clearly differentiates it from the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm that can be validated empirically.

Fortunately, over the past nine years, such a New satisfactory "G-d's Physics" ("Computational Unified Field Theory", CUFT) has been discovered – which has been shown to resolve the apparent "theoretical-inconsistency" between RT & QM, offer an alternative satisfactory explanation for the accelerated expansion of the physical universe and was also validated empirically by at least one "Critical-Prediction", e.g., associated with the findings of the "Proton-Radius Puzzle" phenomenon! Over fifty peer-reviewed scientific articles have been published detailing this New "G-d's Physics" Paradigm; The manner in which this New "G-d's Physics" Paradigm was able to resolve the apparent "theoretical-inconsistency" between RT & QM is based on the discovery of a singular higher-ordered "Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle" (UCP) which simultaneously computes all exhaustive spatial pixels of the universe at the incredible rate of approximately "c2/h" = 1.36-50 (sec'), thereby producing an extremely rapid series of "Universal-Frames" (UF') comprising the entire physical universe at every such minimal "time-point"! The alternative novel theoretical explanation for the universe's accelerated rate of expansion is given by "G-d's Physics" postulation of this UCP's addition of an accelerated number of exhaustive spatial pixels to each consecutive UF's frame/s – thereby discarding the purely hypothetical concepts of "dark-matter" and "dark-energy" as "superfluous", i.e., "non-existent! (This discarding of the purely hypothetical "dark-matter" and "dark-energy" concepts by the New "G-d's Physics"/CUFT Paradigm is reminiscent of Einstein's discarding of the purely hypothetical and unsubstantiated "Ether" concept of 19th century Theoretical Physics and his advancement of the back then "New" RT Paradigm, which offered an alternative theoretical account for the "Old" Newtonian-based Paradigm.)

Empirical validation of the New "G-d's Physics" Paradigm was based on the new UCP's "computational definitions" of the four basic physical features of "space" and "energy", "mass" and "time" based on two (out of three) "Computational Dimensions" of "Framework" ("frame"/"object") and "Consistency" ("consistent"/"inconsistent"), and their complete integration (and unification) by a newly discovered "Universal Computational Formula" (UCF):

The UCP's Computational Definition of the Four Physical Features:

S: (fi{x,y,z}[UF(i)] + … fj{x,y,z}[UF(n)]) / h * n {UF's}

such that:

 fj{x,y,z}[UF(n) ≤ fi{{x+(h*n), y+(h*n) ,z+(h*n)} [UF's(i…n)]

where the "space" measure of a given object (or event) is computed based on a "Frame-consistent" computation that adds the specific UF's (x,y,z) localization across a series of UF's [i…n] which nevertheless do not exceed the threshold of Planck's constant per each number ("n") of frames (e.g., thereby providing "G-d's Physics" New Paradigm's computational  definition of "space" as "Frame-consistent" UF's measure!

Conversely, the "energy" of any given "object" (e.g., whether it is the spatial dimensions of an object or event or whether it relates to the spatial location of an object) is computed based on the event  or whether it relates to the spatial location of an object) is computed based on "Frame-inconsistent" differences of a given "object's" location or size across a series of UF's, divided by the speed of light ("c") multiplied by the number of UF's across which the "object's" energy value is computed by the UCP:

E: (fi{x,y,z}[UF(i)] - … fj{x,y,z}[UF(n)]) / c * n {UF's}

such that:

fj{x,y,z}[UF(n) > fi{{x+(h*n), y+(h*n) ,z+(h*n)} [UF's(i…n)]

wherein the energetic value of a given object, event etc. is computed based on the subtraction of that object's UF's (universal pixels' Coordinate System's location) across a series of UF's, divided by the speed of light multiplied by the number of UF's.

In contrast, the computational definition of "mass" of any given "object" is computed by the UCP based on the number of times an "object" is presented "consistently" across a series of UF's, divided by Planck's constant (e.g., representing the minimal degree of inter-frame's changes):

M: ∑[Oi{o-x,o-y,o-z} [UF(n)]= O(i…n{o-x,o-y,o-z}  {UF(i…n)} / h * n{UF's(i…n)}

where the UCP's computational measure of the "mass" value of any given object is computed based on the number of times in which the "Object-consistent" "internal" {o-x,o-y,o-z} values across a given series of UF's frames remains constant (e.g., identical):

such that:

M: [Oi{x,y,z}UF's(i)] – On{x,y,z}UF's(i…n)] ≤ n * h [{UF's (i…n)]

Wherein the UCP's computational measure of "mass" represents its computation of the number of UF's frame/s in which the "Object-consistent" internal values cannot exceeds a minimal increase based on a multiplication of the number of UF's frames by Planck's constant value.

In contrast, the UCP's computational measure of the "time" value is based on the number of instances that a given object has "changed" – relative to the speed of light in terms of its "Object-inconsistent" "internal" {o-x,o-y,o-z} values, across a given series of UF's frames changes:

T: ∑[Oi{o-x,o-y,o-z} [UF(n)] ≠ O(i…n{o-x,o-y,o-z}  {UF(i…n)} / c * n{UF's(i…n)}

such that:

T: [Oi{x,y,z}UF's(i)] – On{x,y,z}UF's(i…n)] ≤ c * h [{UF's (i…n)]

Wherein the "temporal" value of any given UCP's computational measure of "time" represents its computation of the number of UF's frame/s in which the "Object-consistent" internal values cannot exceeds a minimal increase based on a multiplication of the number of UF's frames by the speed of light.

Universal Computational Formula (UCF):

Stemming from these UCP's new computational definitions of the four basic physical features – and specifically its computational definition of the "mass" value of any given subatomic particle (or relativistic object), the unique "Critical-Prediction" of the New "G-d's Physics" (CUFT) Paradigm predicted that relatively "more massive" particles such as the Muon would posses a greater "Object-consistent" ("mass") "spatial-consistency", as compared to a relatively "less-massive" electron particle; which precisely coincides with the unexplained "Proton-Radius Puzzle" findings indicating that the "Muonic-Hydrogen" Proton possesses a greater "spatial-consistency", e.g., smaller Proton radius and greater accuracy, then the less massive electron particle.

Based on this (initial) empirical validation of the New "G-d's Physics" (CUFT) Paradigm for 21st century Theoretical Physics, it was also shown that this New "G-d's Physics" "A-Causal Computation" Paradigm challenges- and in fact negates- the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm's assumed "Big-Bang" Model, and Einstein's Equations' "material-causal" assumption! This is because due to the simultaneity of the UCP's computation of all exhaustive spatial pixels in the universe for each consecutive UF's frame/s, and the postulated complete "dissolution" of the entire physical universe (e.g., and of all its comprising exhaustive spatial pixels "in-between" any two consecutive UF's frames) there cannot exist any direct (or even indirect) "material-causal" physical interactions between any two (or more) exhaustive spatial pixels at any single- or multiple- UF's frame/s! Hence, there could not have existed the "Big-Bang's" assumed direct "material-causal" physical interactions between its assumed "first"- "second"- "third"… "Nth- UF's frame/w "nuclear event" – and its subsequent hypothesized creation of all of the "mass" and "energy", "space" and "time" in the universe?! This is because according to the New "G-d's Physics" "A-Causal Computation" Paradigm, there could not have existed any such "material-causal" direct or indirect physical interactions in the "first"- "second"- "third"… "Nth" UF's frame/s between any two (or more) exhaustive spatial pixels; Moreover, since all exhaustive spatial pixels in the universe are assumed to "dissolve" back into the singularity of the UCP "in-between" any two consecutive UF's frame/s, therefore there cannot be any "transference" of any physical or material "effect", "entity", "force" or "phenomenon"- across any two consecutive UF's frames, thereby negating the "Big-Bang" Model's and Einstein's Equations' "material-causal" assumption!

In order to directly test for "G-d's Physics" New "A-Causal Computation" (ACC) Paradigm for 21st century Theoretical Physics, once again, we must identify at least one unique "Critical-Prediction" that differentiates it from the corresponding predictions of the Old "Material-Causal" Relativistic "Big-Bang" Model; Specifically, if the New "G-d's Physics" Paradigm' "Critical Prediction" negates the Old Paradigm's "material-causal" basic assumption regarding the "Big-Bang" Model's creation- and further accelerated expansion- of the physical universe by an initial "nuclear event" which led to subsequent "dark-matter" and "dark-energy" (purely hypothetical) concepts assumed to "cause" the accelerated expansion of the universe – and point at "G-d's Physics" novel ACC Paradigm's prediction, than this would indicate that the New "G-d's Physics" ACC Paradigm's theoretical account of the UCP continuous (simultaneous) computation of every exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe is a valid description of the continuous creation- "dissolution"- re-creation- and evolution- of the entire physical universe by this singular higher-ordered UCP!

2. Methods & Results

 The proposed "G-d's Physics'" "Critical-Prediction" that could be tested empirically in order to validate "G-d's Physics" novel alternative conception of the continuous origination- "dissolution"- re-computation- and evolution- of the entire physical universe (simultaneously) is associated with its "Universe's Non-Continuous Accelerated Expansion Rate of Expansion" (UNCAER) – at the Jewish "Rosh-Hashana" (JRH) two-days' special time-interval, at which time according to this New "G-d's Physics" Paradigm the UCP creates a "non-continuous" significant increase in the universe's accelerated expansion rate, due to the "Collective Human Consciousness Focus" occurring during this special time; In contrast to the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm's basic assumption wherein it is the presence of (purely hypothetical) "dark-matter" and "dark-energy" concepts which "cause" the accelerated expansion of the universe – which necessitates a "Continuous (Constant) Acceleration Rate of the Universe" (CCARU), the New "G-d's Physics" "A-Causal Computation" (ACC) Paradigm predicts an "Universe's Non-Continuous Accelerated Expansion Rate of Expansion" (UNCAER) – which takes place at those special "Collective Human Consciousness Focus" time-intervals such as the Jewish "Rosh-Hashana" (JRH); An important computational basis for this New "G-d's Physics" Paradigm are two of its former Theoretical Postulates called: the "Computational Duality Principle" (CDP) and associated "Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle" (UCP), which state that it is not possible (in principle) for any two given computational elements ("x") and ("y") to determine (or "cause") the value/s of one of these elements (i.e., "y") – because such a "Self-Referential Computational System" (SRCS) would inevitably lead to both a "logical-inconsistency" and ensuing "computational indeterminacy" that are contradicted by that Computational System's proven (empirical) capacity to determine the given 'y' element's values:

Specifically in the case of the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm's (implicitly) assumed "Self-Referential Computational System" SRCS": it is assumed that it is only based on the direct physical interaction between certain (purely hypothetical) "Dark-Matter/Dark-Energy" (DMDE) elements and their direct (or even indirect) physical interactions with all (possible) "exhaustive components of the Universe" (Uec)  – possessing a certain "accelerated expansion rate" (aer) of this SRCS System – that this SRCS System is able to compute whether these "exhaustive components of the Universe – possessing a certain "accelerated expansion rate"  (Uec-aer) would remain the "same" or "different" (e.g., "Not Uec)?!

Formally presented, this SRCS System of the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm:

SRCS: {DMDE,  Uec-aer } 🡪  "Uec-aer" or "Not Uec-aer "

But, according to "G-d's Physics" "Computational Duality Principle" (CDP) such a SRCS System inevitably leads to both "logical-inconsistency" and ensuing "computational-indeterminacy" in the case of a "Negative" SRCS outcome, i.e., "SRCNS" – in which this SRCS System yields a "negative outcome":

SRCNS: {DMDE,  Uec-aer } 🡪  "Not Uec-aer"

In which it is assumed that this direct (or indirect) physical interaction between (purely hypothetical) "Dark-Matter"/"Dark-Energy" (DMDE) concepts and the "exhaustive components of the Universe- accelerated rate of expansion" (Uec) "cause" a "change" in this Uec-aer ("Not Uec-aer"); then this leads to an inevitable "logical-inconsistency" – since this SRCNS System states that the universe possesses both the initial Uec-aer rate of expansion and also possesses a "Not Uec-aer" (increased) rate of expansion!?

Obviously, such SRNCS "logical-inconsistency" inevitably also leads to an intrinsic state of "computational-indeterminacy" because such a "material-causal" SRCS/SRNCS System cannot determine whether its initial Uec-aer or subsequent Not Uec-aer state of the universe's acceleration rate exists?!

But, to the extent that we can validate "G-d's Physics" New Paradigm's "Universe's Non-Continuous Accelerated Expansion Rate" (UNCAER) – then this would negate the SRNC assumed computational structure of the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm!

Hence, the proposed "Critical-Prediction" of "G-d's Physics" New Paradigm that could differentiate it from the corresponding Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm, e.g., regarding the "Big-Bang" Model and associated "Dark-Energy"/"Dark-Matter" should test for "G-d's Physics" predicted "Universe's Non-Continuous Accelerated Expansion Rate" (UNCAER), which coupled with the above CDP would unequivocally validate "G-d's Physics" New ACC Paradigm's conception of the UCP's singular higher-ordered continuous (simultaneous) computation- "dissolution"- re-computation- and evolution of every exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe (for each consecutive UF's frame/s).

The results are taken from a series of scientific studies indicating the existence of a significant "gap" between the universe's measured initial Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) measurement rate of expansion indices, e.g., of approximately 67 Kilometers per second per megaparsec – as opposed to 74 kilometers per second per megaparsec in later Astronomical measures of the universe's (contemporary) rate of expansion (Scolnic et al. 2014; Riess et al. 2018a2019; Shajib et al. 2020; Wong et al. 2020)?! As asserted by the abovementioned "G-d's Physics" Computational Duality Principle (CDP), This "Cosmological-Astronomical Accelerated Expansion Gap" (CAAEG) indicates a SRNCS computational result yielded by the Old "Material-Causal" "Self-Referential Computational Structure" (SRCS):

SRCNS: {DM/DE,  Uec-er } ti 🡪  {"Not Uec-er"} ti+n

wherein it is assumed that it is the direct (or indirect) physical interaction between (purely hypothetical) "Dark-Matter"/"Dark-Energy" (DM/DE concepts) and the "exhaustive components of the Universe- expansion rate" (Uec-ar) that "causes" the universe to increase its acceleration rate  with time?!

But, as the CDP teaches us, such a SRNCS computational state inevitably leads to both "logical-inconsistency", e.g., an apparent contradiction between the universe's stated expansion rate at  ti : as Uec-er; as opposed to its expansion rate as: Not Uec-er at ti+n ?!

This "logical-inconsistency" also invariably leads to an associated "computational-indeterminacy" – simply because such assumed SRCS(SRNCS) computational System is unable to decide whether the universe's accelerated rate should be  " Uec-er" (at ti ) or " Not Uec-er" (at ti+n) ?!

But, since according to the CDP we obtain clear empirical results (stated above) wherein the universe in fact exhibits an increase in its acceleration rate over time, e.g., as indicated by the "Cosmological-Astronomical Accelerated Expansion Gap" (CAAEG), therefore the CDP asserts that the basic SRCS/SRNCS Computational System assumed by the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm (of RT & QM) must be negated and rejected!

Instead, "G-d's Physics" New Paradigm's CDP points at the existence of the singular higher-ordered "Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle" (UCP) which simultaneously computes all exhaustive spatial pixels in the universe (e.g., at the incredible rate of "c2/h" = 1.36-50 sec'!), thereby producing an extremely rapid series of "Universal Frames" (UF's) comprising the entire physical universe at every consecutive "minimal time-point"!

Indeed, the empirically observed "Cosmological-Astronomical Accelerated Expansion Gap" (CAAEG) conforms with "G-d's Physics" "Critical Prediction" of the "Universe's Non-Continuous Expansion Accelerated Rate" (UNCEAR) – which is further specified to occur during such (special) "Collective Human Consciousness Focus" time-intervals as the "Jewish Rosh-Hashana" (JRH)!

3. Discussion

Hence, we see that the empirical results indicating the existence of a "Cosmological-Astronomical Accelerated Expansion Gap" (CAAEG) – which cannot be explained by the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm of RT & QM, in fact points at a (partial) fulfillment of "G-d's Physics" "Critical Prediction" of the "Universe's Non-Continuous Expansion Accelerated Rate" at the "Jewish Rosh-Hashana" (UNCEAR-JRH)!

Negates the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm's assumption of the existence of (purely hypothetical) "dark-matter" and "dark-energy" concepts as "causing" the accelerated rate of the universe's expansion; because even if such (purely hypothetical) "dark-matter"/"dark-energy" concepts existed (e.g., which failed to be detected after two decades of experimentation), according to the New "G-d's Physics" "A-Causal Computation" Paradigm they could not interact (directly or indirectly) with any constituting element of the universe "causing" it to accelerate the rate of the universe's expansion! Therefore, they could not result in the observed CAAEG  "Universe's Non-Continuous Accelerated Rate of Expansion" (UNCARE)! Based on two of "G-d's Physics" theoretical postulates of the "Computational Duality Principle" (CDP) and associated "Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle" (UCP) this New "G-d's Physics" Paradigm points at the existence of a singular higher-ordered UCP which is solely responsible for the continuous creation- dissolution- re-creation and evolution of every exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe for each consecutive UF's frame/s! Specifically, this article provides empirical validation of "G-d's Physics" New Paradigm for 21st century Theoretical Physics – provided herein based on two of its unique "Critical Predictions", i.e., through the "Proton-Radius Puzzle" associated findings indicating the greater "spatial-consistency" of a relatively "more massive" particle such as the Muon, than a relatively "less-massive" particle such as the electron; and through the (partial initial) empirical validation of "G-d's Physics" "Universe's Non-Continuous Accelerated Rate of Expansion" (UNCARE) based on the empirically observed "Cosmological-Astronomical Accelerated Expansion Gap" (CAAEG)!

We therefore enter a new scientific era, in which the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm of 20th century RT & QM is negated and expanded into the New "G-d's Physics" "A-Causal Computation" Paradigm based on its discovery of multiple "Theoretical Postulates":

The key Theoretical Postulates of "G-d's Physics" New Paradigm are:

a. The "Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle" (UCP): "A-Causal Computation" Paradigm

The fundamental discovery made by the New "G-d's Physics" Paradigm is that there exists a singular higher-ordered "Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle" (UCP) which simultaneously computes all exhaustive spatial pixels in the universe at the incredible rate of "c2/h" = 1.36-50 (sec') thereby producing an extremely rapid series of "Universal Frames" comprising all exhaustive spatial pixels in the universe for each "minimal time-point"! According to this new UCP theoretical postulate, the entire universe "dissolves" "in-between" any two consecutive UF's frames back into the singularity of this UCP! Indeed, due to the simultaneity of the UCP's computation of all exhaustive spatial pixels in the universe comprising each consecutive UF/s frame/s, the New "G-d's Physics" Paradigm is considered as an "A-Causal Computation" Paradigm – i.e., it negates the very possibility of the existence of any "material-causal" direct (or even indirect) physical interactions between any two (or more) exhaustive spatial pixels existing either in the "same" or "different" UF's frames! This is simply due to the fact that based on the simultaneity of the UCP's computation of all exhaustive spatial pixels comprising any given UF's frame, there cannot exist any such "material-causal" direct/indirect physical interactions between any two (or more) exhaustive spatial pixels; and similarly, "in-between" any two consecutive UF's frames, there cannot exist any such direct/indirect "material-causal" physical interaction/s between any two (or more) exhaustive spatial pixels – since all of the exhaustive spatial pixels comprising the entire physical universe "dissolve" back into the singularity of the UCP "in-between" any two consecutive UF's frame/s!

In order to explain this fine (abstract) new "UCP/A-Causal Computation Paradigm" postulate the New "G-d's Physics" Paradigm utilized a "Cinematic Film Metaphor" depicting: the apparent "breakage of a 'Glass-Jar' by the impact of another 'Mercury-Ball" which seem to "cause" the "spillage of the water" originally contained within that 'Glass-Jar'… Imagine a series of film-frames depicting such a scenario in which such a 'Mercury-Ball' is presented as "approaching" the "Glass-Jar", then "hitting" it – which "causes" the spillage of the water contained in the 'Glass-Jar'; Surprisingly, even though it "seems" that the clear "cause" for the "breakage" of the 'Glass-Jar' and consequent "spillage" of it's water (on the table upon which it is placed) – is the impact of the 'Mercury-Ball'; if we are to closely examine the "true-dynamics" of this Cinematic Film scenario, we will undoubtedly find out that in reality there does not exist any "direct" physical interactions between these two 'Mercury-Ball' and 'Glass-Jar' objects at any single or multiple film-frames comprising this brief film-scenario! This is because at each of these consecutive film-frames both the 'Mercury-Ball' and 'Glass-Jar' are presented simultaneously, so that they cannot interact with each other, and moreover "in-between" each two such consecutive film-frames both of these objects (as well as all other objects contained in the film-scenario) "dissolve" back into the "pure-light" that is projected in-between any two film-frames… So, we must reach the inevitable conclusion wherein despite the "appearance" of a direct "material-causal" physical interaction between these two "Mercury-Ball" and "Glass-Jar" objects, in reality there cannot exist any such direct/indirect "material-causal" physical interactions between them; Instead, what truly exists is the "arrangement" of the given series of film-frames that depict an ever closer spatial proximity of these two objects, followed by their "spatial-conjoining" followed by the apparent "breakage" of the 'Glass-Jar' and "spillage" of the water originally contained within it?! Hence, this "Cinematic Film Metaphor" assists us in beginning to comprehend the New "G-d's Physics" "A-Causal Computation" Paradigm which explains the origination- sustenance- "dissolution" (of the entire physical universe back into the singularity of the UCP "in-between" any two consecutive UF's frames)- and evolution- of the universe solely based on this singular, higher-ordered Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle's (UCP) continuous computation- "dissolution" (of the universe "in-between" any two consecutive UF's frames), re-computation, and evolution of the entire physical universe!

b. The UCP's Three Computational Dimensions:

Indeed, the New "G-d's Physics" Paradigm offers a new (and exciting) theoretical explanation for the manner in which this singular higher-ordered UCP simultaneously computes the four basic physical features of "space" and "energy", "mass" and "time" – based on two out of its three hypothesized "Computational Dimensions", e.g., "Framework" ("frame" vs. "object") and "Consistency" ("consistent" vs. "inconsistent"); According to "G-d's Physics" New Paradigm, the UCP simultaneously computes for every exhaustive spatial pixel comprising the entire physical universe these four basic physical features based on particular computational combinations, e.g., an "Object" – "consistent" or "inconsistent" computation derives the two (corresponding) physical features of "mass" and "time", whereas the UCP's computation of any given object's "Frame" – "consistent" or "inconsistent" values yields its "space" and "energy" characteristics!

c. The "Universal Computational Formula" (UCF):

Another key discovery made by the New "G-d's Physics" Paradigm is the complete unification of the four basic physical features of "space", "energy", "mass" and "time" as secondary computational by-products computed simultaneously for every exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe for each consecutive UF's frame/s! This arises directly from the abovementioned computational definitions of these four basic physical features as "Frame" – "consistent" ("space") or "inconsistent" ("energy"), or as "Object" – "consistent" ("mass") or "inconsistent" ("time"); Therefore, the newly discovered  "Universal Computational Formula" completely integrates – for the first time in Physics, those four basic physical features as secondary computational by-products of the UCP's singular (higher-ordered) computation! This is because previously, Einstein's GRT was only capable of integrating between "space" and "time" – as the four-dimensional "Spacetime" continuum, or between "energy" and "mass" – based on his famous Energy-Mass Equivalence: "E = Mc2", alongside the postulated curvature of "Spacetime" by massive objects). Indeed, this (original) "Universal Computational Formula" (UCF) was shown to completely integrate – not only those four basic physical features (as "secondary computational by-products" of the singular higher-ordered UCP's simultaneous computation of every exhaustive spatial pixel comprising the entire physical universe); but was also shown to embed key Relativistic (e.g., Energy-Mass Equivalence) or Quantum (Heisenberg's "Uncertainty Principle") as "special-cases" within the broader, more exhaustive UCF's theoretical framework.

Universal Computational Formula (UCF):

wherein the singular higher-ordered UCP – represented by the Hebrew letter "Yud" ("י") simultaneously computes all exhaustive spatial pixels in the universe comprising each consecutive Universal Frame/s (UF's) which already exist in a "potential-from" within the UCP's "Supra Spatial-Temporal Reservoir" of all "past", "present" and multiple possible "future/s" UF's (represented by the Hebrew letters from "א through  מ"" to ""(ת depending on the Moral Choice of each Individual Human Consciousness  – as computing and integrating these four basic physical features of "space" and "energy", "mass" and "time", at the incredible rate of: "c2/h" = 1.36-50 sec'!

d. The "Computational Invariance Principle" & "Universal Consciousness Reality":

Another two new (profound) theoretical postulates proposed by the New "G-d's Physics" Paradigm are called: the "Computational Invariance Principle" and closely associated  "Universal Consciousness Reality" (UCR): According to the UCR postulate, since only the "Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle" (UCP) remains constant and continuous – both "during" its computation of the four basic physical features (e.g., of "space", "energy", "mass" and "time") of every exhaustive spatial pixel comprising each consecutive Universal Frame/s, and also solely existing without the presence of any physical universe it may be considered as "computationally-invariant"; whereas the existence of every exhaustive spatial pixel's four basic physical features may only be regarded as "computationally-variant", e.g., existing only "transiently" and "phenomenally" "during" the UCP's sole computation of every consecutive UF's frame/s but ceasing to exist (and "dissolving back into the singularity of the UCP) "in-between" any to consecutive UF's frames; therefore the "Computational Invariance Principle" theoretical postulate posits that only the "computationally-invariant" UCP may be regarded as "real", "continuous" and "permanent", whereas the "computationally-variant" exhaustive set of all spatial pixels' four basic physical features (of "space", "energy", "mass" and "time") comprising the entire physical universe must be seen as only "transient" and "phenomenal" manifestations of this singular UCP!? Indeed, this surprising "Computational Invariance Principle" is closely associated with the novel and quite profound "Universal Consciousness Reality" (UCR) which states that since only the UCP is regarded as "computational-invariant", e.g., "real", "constant" and "continuous", whereas all exhaustive spatial pixels comprising the entire physical universe are deemed as "computationally-variant", e.g., existing only "transiently" and "phenomenally" as solely computed by this singular reality of the UCP; hence the "Universal Consciousness Reality" (UCR) theoretical postulate asserts that there exists only one singular "Universal Consciousness Reality" (UCR) – which exists uniformly and continuously both "during" its computation of every exhaustive spatial pixel's four basic physical features (of "space", "energy", "mass" and "time") and also exists solely (without any presence of any physical universe) "in-between" any two consecutive UF's frames; and therefore that the entire physical universe is realized to constitute only a "transient-phenomenal" manifestation of this singular higher-ordered UCR reality!

Indeed, the discovery of these two "Computational Invariance Principle" and "Universal Consciousness Reality" postulates inevitably lead Theoretical Physics into a profound new realization that the origin- sustenance- and evolution- of the entire physical universe may no longer be studied in terms of any direct "material-causal" physical interactions, e.g., either at the relativistic or quantum-subatomic levels, but rather must focus on the unique computational characteristics of this singular higher-ordered "Universal Computational Principle" (UCP)! Hence, what follows is a delineation of the UCP's newly discovered "Ten Hierarchical Computational Dimensions", which explicate the manner in which this singular higher-ordered UCP computes- "dissolves"- re-computes- and evolves every exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe for each successive Universal Frame/s (at the incredible rate of "c2/h" = 1.36-50 (sec')!

e. The Universal Consciousness Reality's (UCR) "Ten-Hierarchical Computational Dimensions":

1. The UCR's "Wisdom/Free-Will" Hierarchical Computational Dimension (("חכמה":

The UCP's first (initial highest) Hierarchical Computational Dimension is termed: the UCP's "Wisdom/Free-Will" which relates to the UCP's complete "Free-Will" in its computation and "laws" pertaining to the successive computation- "dissolution" re-computation- and evolution- of every exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe (e.g., since it is not bound by any "material-causal" physical interactions and it possesses Infinite Wisdom); Indeed, this initial UCR's "Free-Will/Wisdom" Hierarchical Computational Dimension is characterized by a "Free-Will/Wisdom" of the UCR's initial conception of the creation of an apparently "separate" and "independent" physical universe – which seems to exist "independently" of the UCR's sole creation, sustenance and evolution of it(!?), but which will nevertheless evolve into the ultimate "Goal" of creating Human-Beings possessing the most "expansive" form of Consciousness that will recognize and appreciate the sole existence and "All-Goodwill" characteristics of this singular higher-ordered UCR! It represents the UCP's initial impetus and Wisdom's conception of the possibility of creating an apparently "independent" physical universe (e.g., from its true sole "Universal Consciousness Reality's" sustenance of it) that will "evolve" the most "expansive" form of Human Consciousness leading to a recognition and appreciation of the singularity of this UCR's "Infinite Wisdom", "All-Goodness" characteristics!

2. The UCP's "All-Goodness/Computation" Hierarchical Dimension ("בינה"):

The UCP's secondary Hierarchical Computational Dimension of "All-Goodness/Computation" (בינה) regards the further development of the UCR's "Hierarchical Computational Plan" execution of this initial "Free-Will/Wisdom" general conception of the creation of an apparently "independent" physical universe that evolves into Humanity's ultimate "Geulah " State of recognizing, appreciating and living in accordance with this singular UCR's "All-Goodness" characteristics: This secondary "All-Goodness/Computation" Hierarchical Dimension conceives of the UCP's principle computation of each and every exhaustive spatial pixel – possessing the four basic physical features of "space" and "energy", "mass" and "time", which allows for the creation of apparently "independent" "living-organisms", e.g., each possessing varying degrees of "awareness" or "Consciousness", and existing apparently "independent" of their true- sole- source of the Universal Consciousness Reality!? Indeed, it is this apparent "independence" of every Biological form (e.g., plants, animals and human-beings) from the singular "Universal Consciousness Reality" (UCR) which manifests the UCR's "All-Goodness" benevolent characteristic, since it sustains all of Life – continuously creating- "dissolving"- re-creating- and evolving every living form throughout its life-cycle, as well as produces ever more "expansive" form of Consciousness (e.g., leading up to human-beings, as further delineated in the third Hierarchical Computational Dimension, below):

3. The UCR's "Reversed-Time Geulah  Goal" Hierarchical Computational Dimension ("Daat"/ דעת").

The UCR's fourth Hierarchical Computational Dimension is termed: the "Reversed-Time 'Geulah ' Goal" which describes (for the first time in the UCR's successive hierarchical manifestation of the physical universe) the UCR's full-complete "Blueprint Architectural Hierarchical Plan" for creating and "evolving" the entire physical universe in order to create- progressively more "expansive" forms of Consciousness, i.e., from "inanimate", "animate": plants, animals, human-beings and up to the "Ultimate Geulah  Goal" of Humanity's (and Science's) recognition of the sole and singular reality of the Universal Consciousness Reality (UCR); It describes the UCR's entire Hierarchical Computational Plan for evolving and manifesting increasingly more "expansive" forms of this singular UCR – e.g., from inanimate "matter", through "animate": plants, animals, human-beings and up to the most "expansive" form of "Collective Human Consciousness" recognizing and leading a "Perfected: Moral, Spiritual & Physical State": in which Humanity recognizes the singularity of this "Universal Consciousness Reality" (UCR) including the basic , "Dynamic-Equilibrium Moral Principle" which compels human-beings and Humanity as a whole to lead a Moral, Harmonious & Peaceful Human Existence. It is termed "Daat" ((דעת in the Jewish Chassidic-Kabbalah tradition because it signifies the UCR's "Knowledge" or "Plan" for the entire evolution of the physical universe – leading to the UCR's "Ultimate Geulah  Goal"! Indeed, this fourth Hierarchical Computational "Reversed-Time Geulah  Goal" Dimension offers a new profound insight into the UCR's overall "pre-planned successive evolution" of the entire physical universe – "conceived" of and "pre-planned" from the Ultimate "Geulah -Goal" in a "reversed direction" through all "past"- "present" and (multiple possible) "future/s" (based on every Individual Human Consciousness' Moral Choice/s made at each point in time, as will be described in the "Dynamic-Equilibrium Moral Principle" Hierarchical Computational Dimension)! Just as an Architect constructing a complex and elaborate building will pre-plan all of the details of this complex and beautiful building in an Architectural "Blue-Print", e.g., including all of the details regrading the necessary "construction-steps" to attain the desired "end-goal" of the full Elaborate Complex Building, so it is suggested the UCR also "pre-planned" all of the necessary "past", "present" and (multiple possible) "future/s" of all the Universal Frames depicting the evolution of the entire physical universe in order to evolve the progressive ("inanimate" and "animate": plants, animals and human-beings) forms of  Consciousness leading to the Ultimate "Geulah -Goal" of Humanity (and Science)! Hence, the fourth "Reversed-Time Geulah  Goal" Hierarchical Computational Dimension ("Daat"/ דעת") signifies the UCR's complete "Knowledge" or "Plan" for evolving the entire physical universe – from inanimate matter through animate: plants, animals and human-beings towards the Perfected "Geulah  Goal State", and it is computed and "corrected" to reach this Perfected "Geulah -State" through a continuous  "adjustment" process of the UCR based on its later "Dynamic-Equilibrium Moral Principle" and closely associated "UCR's Multi Spatial-Temporal Reservoir" (as listed below).

4. The fourth "Dynamic-Equilibrium Moral Principle" Hierarchical Computational Dimension ("חסד"/Chessed"):

This "Dynamic-Equilibrium Moral Principle" relates to the actual execution of the UCR's fourth "Reversed-Time Geulah -Goal" Hierarchical Computational Dimension, i.e., based on a Compassionate ("Chessed/חסד") Moral Principle which allows every human-being to "correct" any of his or her "Immoral Action/s" through the UCR's computation of an equivalent "future" corresponding to any such "immoral action", which would allow that "offending human-being" to experience the same kind (and degree) of pain/suffering that he/she inflicted upon another Individual Human-Being, so that the "offending" person could make a sincere "Teshuva" (termed so in the Jewish Tradition) signifying a sincere remorse and accompanying conscious choice not to repeat any such "immoral-action/s" in the future! Since we've seen that the whole Goal of the UCR's evolution of the entire physical universe is solely towards reaching that "Perfected Geulah  State" in which all human-beings (and Humanity more generally) would recognize the Oneness, Morality and Peace characterizing the singular "Universal Consciousness Reality" (UCR) and lead a Moral, Peaceful and Harmonious life, therefore the means for reaching this end Goal of "Geulah " may be attained through the (fourth) "Dynamic-Equilibrium Moral Principle" Hierarchical Dimension – which produces a "moral correction-mechanism" allowing every individual human-being (and Humanity as a whole) to "perfect" its moral behavior and awareness this through this "Dynamic-Equilibrium Moral Principle"! A "Trampoline Metaphor" has been utilized which tries to demonstrate the "correction-dynamics" of this UCR's Dynamic-Equilibrium mechanism: A scenario in which a Trampoline Sheath is placed with a "Metal-Bar" connecting two particular "points" on its surface, such that when one of these particular "point" "decides" to "inflict-pain/suffering" upon the other "point" by pressing the "Metal-Bar" against that other point, we realize that "automatically" the "suffering point" will "push-back" the same "Metal-Bar" against the initially "aggressive-point" to "balance" the Trampoline-Sheath back to its original "resting state"… This "Trampoline Metaphor" has been utilized to explain the "UCR's Dynamic-Equilibrium Moral Principle" which constantly and continuously strives to restore the "Oneness", "Peace" and "Harmony" characterizing the UCR's basic nature, e.g., to "correct" for any "moral-imbalance" created by any single one Individual Human Consciousness (person) deciding any "immoral-choice" against another given individual which brings about a "balancing-act" of the UCR creating an equivalent situation in which that "inflicting-pain/suffering" individual would have to experience him/herself the same degree and kind of pain/suffering that he/she inflicted upon the other individual, in order to realize the "inseparability" and "Oneness" of the UCR underlying both Human Consciousness…

5. The Fifth UCR's "Multi Spatial-Temporal Reservoir" Hierarchical Computational Dimension ("Devorah"(גבורה/":

Denotes the UCR's actual translation of the fourth "Dynamic-Equilibrium Moral Principle" into a computation of all "past", "present" and "multiple possible future/s" for each Individual human-being for every moral choice that he/she makes at any given point in time! In other words, the UCR simultaneously computes for all human-beings in the world one of multiple possible "future/s" based on each of these individual human-beings' "moral/immoral choice/s", geared towards executing the above mentioned "Dynamic-Equilibrium Moral Principle" on order to "teach" or "correct" each individual human-being's moral choice/s and realization of the underlying singular "Oneness" of the UCR comprising all individual human beings and more generally the entire physical universe (including all of its "inanimate" and "animate" forms); This steers Humanity and the entire world towards the realization of the Ultimate "Geulah -Goal" State aimed for by the singular higher-ordered UCR reality!

6. The UCR's "Collective Human Consciousness Focus" Hierarchical Computational Dimension ("תפארת"/"Tiferet"):

The sixth "Collective Human Consciousness Focus Hypothesis" Hierarchical Computational Dimension postulates that the actual manifestation of the entire physical universe critically depends upon the UCR's close relationship with a "Collective Human Consciousness Focus" aimed towards that UCR! In other words, according to "G-d's Physics" New 21st century Paradigm, the UCR's actual computation of all past- present and "multiple possible future/s" Universal Frames (UF's) constituting each consecutive Year's (time-frame) critically depends upon the "Collective Human Consciousness Focus", in which Millions of individual human-beings simultaneously focus on this singular higher-ordered UCR during a "special time-interval", i.e., such as at the Jewish "Rosh-Hashana" New Year two-days' time-interval in which Millions of Jews focus collectively upon this singular higher-ordered UCR! This sixth Hierarchical Computational "Collective Human Consciousness Focus" instigates the UCR's computation of an entire New Year derived from the (fifth) UCR's "Multi Spatial-Temporal Reservoir" – allowing for the entire physical universe development for an entire New Year, based on the already determined "past", "present" and "multiple possible future/s" for each individual human -being for the entire New Year! One of the direct empirical ramifications of this sixth "UCR's Collective Human Consciousness Focus Hierarchical Computational Dimension" correlated with one of the (two) unique "Critical-Predictions" differentiating the New "G-d's Physics" Paradigm from the corresponding predictions of both Relativity Theory and Quantum Mechanics, i.e., relating to "G-d's Physics" prediction that during the "special-time" of such a "Collective Human Consciousness Focus" taking place every Jewish New-Year's  "Rosh-Hashana" two days interval (e.g., this year occurring at : Sep. 7th & 8th , 2021) there will be a "Non-Continuous Accelerated Expansion" of the entire physical universe! This is due to "Collective Human Consciousness Focus (sixth) Hierarchical Computational Dimension's assertion wherein such a 'Collective Human Consciousness Focus', wherein Millions of Jews (all around the world) collectively focus on- and pray towards- this singular higher-ordered UCR, which is assumed to bring about the UCR's computation of all of the "past", "present" and "multiple possible future/s" UF's for all individual human beings – as well as the accelerated new expansion rate for the entire physical universe for the subsequent New Jewish Year! Alongside the previous (third) " Reversed-Time Geulah  Goal Hierarchical Computational Dimension's" realization that the UCR "pre-plans" the entire evolution of the universe including its evolution from "inanimate" matter through "animate": plants, animals and human-beings all leading towards the Ultimate "Geulah  Goal" of Human Moral and Spiritual Perfection and recognition of the singularity and "All-Goodness" nature of this UCR, we can understand that the UCR opts to compute an entire "New (Jewish) Year" in response to the "Collective Human Consciousness Focus Hierarchical Dimension – which manifests also in the "Non-Continuous Accelerated Expansion of the Universe" during the Jewish "Rosh-Hashana" two days' special "Collective Human Consciousness Focus"! Obviously, as will be elaborated below, to the extent that this unique "Critical Prediction" of the New "G-d's Physics" Paradigm will be validated empirically, then this will lead to the acceptance of the New "G-d's Physics" Paradigm as the New Paradigm for 21st century Theoretical Physics, since it negates the existence of "Dark-Matter" and "Dark-Energy" and significantly differs from the corresponding predictions of both RT & QM, representing the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm of 20th century Physics! The Jewish Chassidic-Kabballah symbol given to this sixth "Collective Human Consciousness Hierarchical Computational Dimension" is "תפארת/Tiferet" which translates as "Glorification" because it signifies such "Collective Human Consciousness Focus" Glorification- or focus on- and prayer towards- this singular, higher-ordered UCR.

7. The Seventh "Computed Object Potential Values Hierarchical Computational Dimension" ("נצח"/"Netzach"/"Eternal"):

Signifies the UCR's actual simultaneous computation of all of the two "Object – "consistent" (mass) and "inconsistent" (time) values for all objects comprising the entire physical universe for each single UF frame, based on all of the previous (above mentioned) Hierarchical Computational Dimensions; it is represents the beginning of the actual manifestation of any single UF's frame portrayal of the entire physical universe, which fulfills and advances the UCR's "Reversed-Time Geulah  Goal" Dimension, and furthers the "UCR's Collective Human Consciousness Focus"  computation of an entire New Year's ("past", "present" and "multiple  future/s") UF's frames – now being executed for each single UF's frame's constitution of all comprising object's (mass and time) values! It is also represented by the Jewish Chassidic-Kabballah symbol of "נצח"Eternal" or "Victory" because the UCR's actual computation of any single UF frame's comprising Object's (mass and time) values all constituting objects indeed signifies the advancement of the UCR's "Reversed Time Geulah  Goal Hierarchical Computational Dimension", which represents the "Eternal" or Ultimate "Geulah -State" of the world.

8. The "Teshuva"(תשובה)/"הוד"Hod"/"Forgiveness" Eighth Hierarchical Computational Dimension  signifies the UCR's allowance for a "Teshuva"/ "repentance" of every individual human-being prior to the actual execution of the seventh "Computed Object Potential Values Hierarchical Computational Dimension" ("נצח"/"Netzach"/"Eternal" – wherein if any individual person choses to ask "forgiveness" from the other person upon which it inflicted pain or suffering as well as from the Universal Consciousness Reality (UCR) and makes a conscious resolute decision to not repeat any such wrongdoing moral action/s (which constitutes the Jewish term of "Teshuva"); in such case, the UCR's Eighth "Teshuva" Hierarchical Computational Dimension will re-compute and in fact alter the already selected Seventh "Computed Object Potential Values Hierarchical Computational Dimension" ("נצח"/"Netzach"/"Eternal" ) values computed for that individual human-being's computed immediate pending "future" UF, i.e., replacing the "correcting" equivalent UF frame in which this "offending" individual would have to experience an "equivalent" painful experience (to the one experienced by the person offended by the "immoral choice" made by him/her) with a "positive" immediate future UF frame – based on the fact that that individual human-being already made "Teshuva" (sincere repentance and resolute decision not to repeat any such "immoral" action/s!) It is represented by the Jewish Chassidic-Kabbalah term of ""הוד/"Hod" which can be translated as "Magnanimity" because it portrays the UCR's magnanimous "forgiveness" capacity to allow for any individual human-being to make a sincere "Teshuva", thereby altering the whole evolution of the universe, based on the "corrected" moral choices of all of its individual human-beings; Indeed, it is a magnanimous UCR that allows for Humanity's "partnership" and "active role" in advancing its Ultimate "Geulah -Goal" State, at every point in time…

9. The Ninth UCR's "Actual Computed Object Values Hierarchical Computational Dimension" ("/יסוד" Yesod" (Foundation)":

Signifies the UCR's actually computed values for all of the objects in the universe for each consecutive UF's frame/s which is based on all previous Hierarchical Computational Dimensions! It is therefore represented by the Jewish Chassidic-Kabballah term of "יסוד"/"Yessod" or "Foundation" the UCR's actual computed Object (mass/time) values of all constituting objects in the universe for each consecutive UF's frame! Note, however, that this "יסוד"/"Foundation" Ninth Hierarchical Computational Dimension does not (yet) contain the two other essential UCP's "Frame" – "consistent" (space) and "inconsistent" (energy) physical features which are necessary to execute and actual UF's frame of the universe at any minimal time-point, which is computed by the Tenth Hierarchical Computational Dimension; This also correlates to the fact that the UCR's integral and essential (forth) "Dynamic-Equilibrium Moral Principle's" Hierarchical Computational Dimension's "moral-balancing" characteristic of the UCR's continuous and constant advancement of the universe (and Humanity) towards the Ultimate "Geulah -Goal" Perfected Moral and Spiritual State necessarily involves the UCR's computation of "pairs" of "offending-offended" individual human-beings, which would have to experience the equivalent "corrected" Moral State, e.g., involving their "placement" within the same UF's frame/s (once again, computed by the UCR's Tenth "Ten Hierarchical Computational Dimensions' Universal Computational Formula"/"מלכות"/"Kingdom" Hierarchical Computational Dimension, below:)

10. The "Ten Hierarchical Computational Dimensions' Universal Computational Formula"/"מלכות"/"Malchut" (Kingdom) Hierarchical Computational Dimension ("כתר"/"Keter-Infinitude ("Crown"): This tenth concluding Hierarchical Computational Dimension signifies the UCR's actual computation of each consecutive Universal Frame (UF), including all of its four basic physical features of "Object" – "consistent" (mass) and "inconsistent" (time), and "Frame" – "consistent" (space) and "inconsistent" (energy) for every exhaustive spatial pixel comprising the entire universe (for each minimal time-point UF's frame/s)! It consumes all of the previous Hierarchical Computational Dimensions as comprising any single consecutive UF's frame/s, thereby executing and "building" the "Kingdom" of the UCR's series of UF's inevitably leading to Its "Ultimate Geulah -Goal" Perfected State of the world and the universe! This includes the full integration of the previous (ninth) "יסוד"/"Yessod"-"Foundation" Hierarchical Computational Dimension' comprising only the two "Object" – "consistent" (mass) and "inconsistent" (time) physical features associated with every exhaustive object comprising the entire physical universe, together with the two other "Frame" – "consistent" (space) and "inconsistent" (energy) physical features that are necessary in order to create any single (consecutive) UF's frame! It also necessitates the direct involvement and "power" of the Infinite UCR's Essence (or "כתר" / "Crown") as it is called in the Jewish Chassidic-Kabballah Tradition which (as it were) "stands alone" in its infinitude – beyond the four basic physical features of "space", "energy", "mass" and "time", i.e., Prior to its manifesting of the entire physical universe through its associated "Ten Hierarchical Computational Dimensions"! Indeed, as can be glanced from this "Ten Hierarchical Computational Dimensions Universal Computational Formula" (below), the direct "involvement" of this "כתר"/"Keter" – Infinitude ("Crown") Essence of the UCR is seen both "prior to" and "above" the UCR's Ten Hierarchical Computational Dimensions ("standing alone" as the "כתר/"Keter"-Crown" of these Ten Dimensions) and is also apparent in the "Ten Hierarchical Computational Dimensions Universal Computational Formula" – in the "Ten Hierarchical Computational Dimensions' Universal Computational Formula"/"מלכות"/"Malchut" (Kingdom) Hierarchical Computational Dimension ("כתר"/"Keter-Infinitude ("Crown"); This is because in order to manifest, integrate and compute the entire physical universe simultaneously – at the incredible rate of "c2/h" = 1.36-50 (sec') for each exhaustive spatial pixel it necessitates the Infinite Wisdom and Essence of the UCR!

It may be appropriate (at this point) to note that this UCR's Ten Hierarchical Computational Dimensions portrayal closely correlates to the Jewish Chassidic-Kabballah description of the Ten "ספירות"/"Sefirot" (e.g., can be translated as "Hierarchical Computational Dimensions"); these Ten "ספירות/"Sefirot" Chassidic-Kabbalah Hierarchical Computational Dimensions include a representation of a "division" between the "Right-Line"" side ("blue-water") side of those "descending" UCR Hierarchical Computational Dimensions that "flow" or "emanate" from the UCR towards manifesting the "apparently independent" phenomenal universe, and between those "Left-Line" ("red-fire") "ascending" UCR's Hierarchical Computational Dimensions that represent the apparently "independent phenomenal universe/beings" attempt to "reach" towards this singular higher-ordered UCR! Importantly, the "Middle-Line" Pathway connecting those "special middle-line" Dimensions, e.g., of "דעת"/"Daat" (Third "UCR's Reversed Time Geulah  Goal Dimension" , "תפארת"/"Tiferet" (Sixth "Collective Human Consciousness Focus"), "יסוד"/"Yessod" (Ninth UCR's Actual Object Computed Values), and Tenth "מלכות"/"Malchut" ("Ten Hierarchical Computational Dimensions' Universal Computational Formula") possess a special "direct association" with the UCR's Essence-Infinitude!

Hence, the discovery and empirical validation of this New "G-d's Physics" Paradigm for 21st century Theoretical Physics leads Science towards a new realization that the physical universe was not created by an initial "Big-Bang" nuclear event, nor is it expanded by a purely hypothetical "non-existent" "Dark-Matter"/"Dark-Energy" concepts, nor by Einstein's Equations "material-causal" based assumption! Instead, the continuous creation- "dissolution"- re-creation- and evolution- of the entire physical universe at every minimal time-point "c2/h" = 1.36-50 sec' for each consecutive UF's is based on the singular higher-ordered "Universal Consciousness Reality" which aims at its "Ultimate Geulah Goal" of brining the entire universe – and Humanity and Science in particular to the ultimate recognition of the singularity of this higher-ordered "UCR" characterized by "All-Goodness", "Morality", "Peace" and "Harmony"!

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Bentwich, J. (2017e). Can the ‘Computational Unified Field Theory’ (CUFT) Challenge the Basic Laws of Conservation?  SciFed Journal of Quantum Physics Special Issue.

Bentwich, J. (2017f). The Computational Unified Field Theory (CUFT):  Time "Reversal" May be Possible. SciFed Journal of Quantum Physics Special Issue.

Bentwich, J. (2017g). The Computational Unified Field Theory (CUFT) Transcends Relativity’s Speed of Light Constraint.  SciFed Journal of Quantum Physics, Special Issue.

Bentwich, J. (2017h). The Computational Unified Field Theory’s New Physics: Transcending Space, Time and Causality. SciFed Journal of Quantum Physics Special Issue.

Bentwich, J. (2017i). A “Supra-Spatial-Temporal Universal Consciousness Reality’. Research & Reviews: Journal of Pure & Applied Physics, Special Issue: The Computational Unified Field Theory (CUFT)- A Paradigmatic Shift in 21st Century Physics.

Bentwich, J. (2017j). A New Science: An Infinite Omniscient Dynamic-Equilibrium Universal Consciousness Reality. SciFed Journal of Quantum Physics Special Issue.

Bentwich, J. (2017k). The Computational Unified Field Theory (CUFT) Challenges Darwin’s ‘Natural Selection Principle’! SciFed Journal of Quantum Physics Special Issue.

Bentwich, J. (2017l). The Computational Unified Field Theory (CUFT) Challenges the Second Law of Thermodynamics.SciFed Journal of Quantum Physics Special Issue. 

Bentwich, J. (2017m). The Computational Unified Field Theory (CUFT):  An Empirical & Mathematical Validation of the 'Computational Unified Field Theory'; SciFed Journal of Quantum Physics Special Issue.

Bentwich, J. (2017n). The Computational Unified Field Theory (CUFT) New Science; SciFed Journal of Quantum Physics Special Issue.

Bentwich, J. (2018a). Review: The Computational Unified Field Theory (CUFT) New Universe: The Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, Vol. 18 (8-A), Special Issue. 

Bentwich, J. (2018b). The Computational Unified Field Theory (CUFT): What is "Time"? The Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, Vol. 18 (8-A), Special Issue.

Bentwich, J. (2018c). The Universal Consciousness Reality's Camouflage: The Physical Universe! The Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, Vol. 18 (8-A), Special Issue.

Bentwich, J. (2018d). The Computational Unified Field Theory (CUFT) Epilogue: Can Human Consciousness Affect the Cosmos? The Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, Vol. 18 (8-A), Special Issue.

Bentwich, J. (2018e). Testing the Computational Unified Field Theory's (CUFT) Differential-Critical Predictions: The Higgs-Boson Particle May Not Exist Continuously! The Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, Vol. 18 (8-A), Special Issue.

Bentwich, J. (2018f). The Double-Faceted Universal Consciousness Reality: A Theoretical Review. The Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, Vol. 18 (8-A), Special Issue.

Bentwich, J. (2018g). Letter to the Editor: Dark Matter May Not Exist. The Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, Vol. 18 (8-A), Special Issue.

Bentwich, J. (2018h). The Computational Unified Field Theory's (CUFT) Epilogue: Possible Reversal of the Arrow of Time and Abolishment of Death. The Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, Vol. 18 (8-A), Special Issue.

Bentwich, J. (2019a). The Computational Unified Field Theory's (CUFT) New Universe. The Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, Vol. 19 (6), Special Issue.

Bentwich, J. (2019b). The Computational Unified Field Theory's (CUFT) Goes Beyond the 'Standard Model': "G-d's Physics"?!. The Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, Vol. 18 (8-A), Special Issue.

Bentwich, J. (2019c). A Call for Cosmologists & Experimental Physicists: Empirical Validation of the 'Computational Unified Field Theory' (CUFT) New Paradigm through "Time-Sensitive" Astronomical and Subatomic Measurements. The Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, Vol. 19 (6), Special Issue.

Bentwich, J. (2019d). The 'Computational Unified Field Theory' (CUFT): Redefining Mass, Gravity & the Physical Universe. The Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, Vol. 19 (6), Special Issue.

Bentwich, J. (2019d). Astronomical Validation of the Computational Unified Field Theory (CUFT) "Critical Prediction" & Resolution of the "Universe's Accelerated Expansion Rate Enigma" (UAERE).The Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, Vol. 19 (6), Special Issue.

Bentwich, J. (2019e) Urgent Call for Empirical Validation of the Computational Unified Field Theory’s (CUFT) New 21st Century ‘A-Causal Computation’ (ACC) Paradigm. Acta Scientific Applied Physics, Volume 1(1).  

Bentovish (Bentwich), J. (2020a). 'G-d's Physics' (CUFT) New "Atom" & Purposeful Universe! Advances in Theoretical & Computational Physics. Volume 3 (2), p. 50-58.

Bentovish (Bentwich), J. (2020b). An Urgent Need for "G-d's Physics" New 21st Century Paradigm's Empirical Validation. Advances in Theoretical & Computational Physics. Volume 3 (2), p. 59-65.

Bentovish (Bentwich), J. (2021). "G-d's Physics: A New Scientific Paradigm for the Twenty-First Century. iUniverse. ISBN 9781532090370.

Bentovish (Bentwich), J. (2021a). "G-d's Physics" New 21st Century Paradigm: From "Law" to "Mercy"! In World Journal of Pharmaceutical & Medical Research, Special Issue: "G-d's Physics New Twenty-First Century Scientific Paradigm: Empirical & Theoretical Ramifications (In Press). 

Bentovish (Bentwich), J. (2021b). "G-d's Physics": From Arbitrary Physical & Biological "Evolution" Towards A Universal Consciousness Reality's (UCR) Directed Morally-Perfected ("Geulah h ") Universe! In World Journal of Pharmaceutical & Medical Research, Special Issue: "G-d's Physics New Twenty-First Century Scientific Paradigm: Empirical & Theoretical Ramifications (In Press).

Bentovish (Bentwich), J. (2021c). "G-d's Physics": On the True Nature of "Dark-Energy" & "Dark-Matter". In World Journal of Pharmaceutical & Medical Research, Special Issue: "G-d's Physics New Twenty-First Century Scientific Paradigm: Empirical & Theoretical Ramifications (In Press).

Bentovish (Bentwich), J. (2021d). The New "G-d's Physics" New Twenty-First Century Paradigm: A Morally Perfected ("Geulah h ") Directed New Physical Universe! In World Journal of Pharmaceutical & Medical Research, Special Issue: "G-d's Physics New Twenty-First Century Scientific Paradigm: Empirical & Theoretical Ramifications (In Press). 

Bentovish (Bentwich), J. (2021e). "G-d's Physics": It's "Time" for "Geulah h "! In World Journal of Pharmaceutical & Medical Research, Special Issue: "G-d's Physics New Twenty-First Century Scientific Paradigm: Empirical & Theoretical Ramifications (In Press). 

Bentovish (Bentwich), J. (2021f). "G-d's Physics" (CUFT) New Physics Paradigm: "Miracles" Can Happen!? In World Journal of Pharmaceutical & Medical Research, Special Issue: "G-d's Physics New Twenty-First Century Scientific Paradigm: Empirical & Theoretical Ramifications (In Press).

Bentovish (Bentwich), J. (2021g). "G-d's Physics" New 21st Century Paradigm: A Complete Integration of "Space" & "Energy", "Mass" & "Time"! In World Journal of Pharmaceutical & Medical Research, Special Issue: "G-d's Physics New Twenty-First Century Scientific Paradigm: Empirical & Theoretical Ramifications (In Press).

Bentovish (Bentwich), J. (2021h). "G-d's Physics": Complete Unification of the Four Basic Forces of Nature & "Geulah h "! In World Journal of Pharmaceutical & Medical Research, Special Issue: "G-d's Physics New Twenty-First Century Scientific Paradigm: Empirical & Theoretical Ramifications (In Press).

Bentovish (Bentwich), J. (2021i). Fulfilling Einstein's Quest: "G-d's Physics" New Twenty-First Century's Paradigm's Multi-Level Computational Universe. In World Journal of Pharmaceutical & Medical Research, Special Issue: "G-d's Physics New Twenty-First Century Scientific Paradigm: Empirical & Theoretical Ramifications (In Press).

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